Today the nation faces one of the greatest crises in our history. When I state this, many citizens, Democrat and Republican alike, will automatically assume that I am referring to President Donald J. Trump. Yes, I am, but not because, as allegedly brilliant scholars like Charles Krauthammer have stated, that Trump is “unfit to be president.” That is arrant and despicable nonsense, and people like Krauthammer, who ought to know better, should be ashamed of themselves for making these unwarranted remarks—for even harboring such destructive beliefs. Would they have preferred the unindicted major felon, Hillary Clinton, or the sniveling socialist, Bernie Sanders?
The truth is that despite his occasional coarseness and sometimes seeming ignorance, Trump is the one person who can drain the Washington swamp, uncover and destroy the corrupt “deep state” and create a conservative majority that can save the union—and preserve American Democratic-Capitalism.
The first reveal by Trump is that Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, is both feeble and feckless. When the nation learned that after 7 years of disparaging Obamacare, the Republicans had no alternative ready to replace it, Ryan was exposed as both weak and incompetent. In the Senate, Mitch McConnell proved to be as inept as Ryan, and without authority in his own caucus. It was not surprising that John McCain would oppose anything that might advance the stature of Donald Trump. Trump’s foolish remarks about McCain’s military service forged him as an implacable foe. No doubt, McCain was a brave hero in his years as a captive of the Communist North Vietnamese regime. But his career since has been unremarkable at best. The McCain-Feingold campaign finance rules were foolish and destructive. As a presidential candidate, McCain was a disaster.
As for Susan Collins, she is as deeply a Republican as Nancy Pelosi, in other words, not at all. She runs her own little fiefdom in Maine, notable only for her lisping speech. Lisa Murkowski is another creature, indeed. Any capable majority leader would have been able to force her in line, but not the feeble old flatus my wife calls “Marblemouth.” McConnell is serenely content with himself, having reached the pinnacle of his ambition as Majority Leader. He has a lovely and charming wife (what she sees in him is a mystery), and a safe retirement. He is unalterably opposed to dumping the non-constitutional “filibuster rule,” even though it stands in the way of a successful Trump presidency, and more important, it blocks the future of America. The Democrats will assuredly dump the rule as soon as they return to power, and in view of McConnell’s weak-kneed performance, that may happen sooner than anyone thought possible.
In the meantime, Sessions having unnecessarily recused himself from the Trump-Russia investigation, a supporter of James Comey, and therefore an enemy of Trump has been appointed special counsel. If Robert Mueller were truly the honest man his supporters (and some Republicans) would have us believe, he would never have accepted the appointment. His only conceivable goal is to revenge his great friend James Comey for being fired by President Trump.
Special Counsels (Prosecutors) always win. Mueller didn’t take the job because he thought it would be constructive to clear the air so that Trump administration could proceed free of suspicion. No, he took the job so he could be a hero and bring down a presidency. That is why this charade cannot be allowed to proceed. Freed of this “noise” Trump can advance the prosperity of the country—of the western world—and stymie the Iranian dictatorship, the Venezualan dictatorship, the Russian dictatorship and all the other dictatorships. We can control and ultimately destroy the North Korean threat, and more important, stymie the ambitions of China, intent on dominating the world—and also revenging the damage the west inflicted on China across hundreds (perhaps thousands) of years.
Whatever it takes—Mueller must be stopped. If it can be accomplished by the president simply firing him, should be done. If there are other alternatives, let’s find out. Allowing another egotist to insert himself into the affairs of the country is one too many. The well-being of the country is too important to leave it in the hands of Mr. Mueller. Let’s stop this travesty NOW!!!