Early in 2016 I wrote my opinion of Donald Trump--before he was nominated. I was neither discreet nor tolerant. During the nom criptoination campaign as candidates dropped away, I was still unable to believe that in the end, only Donald Trump would be left standing; but he was. Then, I had to make a choice, vote for Trump, vote for Hillary, not vote at all. I've always considered not voting an act of cowardice, so I had to make a choice between Hillary, a miserable mean-spirited, mendacious miscreant, and a coarse, vulgar ignoramus. I chose the ignoramus over the criminal. Lucky for me, and the country, the inconceivable happened: Trump won the election. The left descended into pathos, bathos, depression and disbelief. Then, playing on these childish responses, the left's leaders -- the George Soros types -- began to organize what they called, "the resistance." Decades ago, Hillary Clinton decried her (and Bill's) opposition: a vast right wing conspiracy. That conspiracy didn't exist, but it had its uses for the left. Now, the opposition has formed into an actual cabal: a vast left-wing conspiracy.This hydra has many heads: the Democratic National Committee; the broadcast and cable leftish media; the Schumer Senatorial-Lewis House crypto-caucus; the broadcast networks, Black Lives Matter; the ACLU; Planned Parenthood; the Hollywood hipsters; the Ivy League and equivalent universities. These confabulists don't meet secretly in a cave at BigSur; they don't have to. Their have their own traditional media and the more extensive social media. All of these elements are dedicated to destroying Trump and the Trump presidency. Their behavior ranges from pathetic to criminal--they acknowledge no standards nor ethics that any normal American would acknowledge or understand. They are ruthless. Will they succeed? It is impossible to know at this time. Trump's cabinet appointments and selection of a candidate for the Supreme Court are of very high quality. Democrats are employing every delaying and deceiving tactic known to mankind. It is an epic battle, and if the left wins, the U.S.A. is doomed, and so is the rest of the western world. AMERICA'S CORRUPT COURT IN AMERICA'S CORRUPT STATE |
bNutcases in California (by far the majority) are fraudulently claiming that world temperatures are rising "dangerously" They claim that each of the last 3 years the earth's temperatures have set new all-time highs. This is of course absurd. In 2016, for example they assert that the temperature has risen 4 one-hundredths of a degree. 4 ONE HUNDREDTHS OF A DEGREE?? That is well within the margin of error. As are all of the last 3 alleged annual readings. Based on this nonsense, we are to change our way of life, inflict new taxes, cease doing many activities which are beneficial. How can it be that Americans believe this trash? But it is just one more nail in the coffin of our civilization.
At the same time, the Democrat ruled legislature is debating laws that would make California a "sanctuary state" protecting illegal aliens, INCLUDING CRIMINALS from the Federal Immigration Service
Also on the "docket" is an initiative that would have California secede from the union. Have these ninnies forgotten the American Civil War? 600,000 men and women died in battle to end slavery and to crush rebels who believed they could secede from the Union by the stroke of a pen.
Which brings me to the recent decision of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Trump's immigration order. The court held the presidential order regarding potential immigrants from 7 terror-ridden middle-eastern states was illegal, affirming a lower court decision imposing a temporary restraining order preventing the US government from limiting and/or preventing travelers from these areas from entering the country. THE COURT'S ACTION IS RECKLESS AND IRRESPONSIBLE. There is no doubt that the order is both legal and constitutional, and the judges know that, but they are part of the California progressive polity that is intent on destroying every vestige of democracy and justice in the U.S. Historically, 80% of the 9th Circuit's rulings have been overturned when appealed to the US Supreme Court. But, so what? This court resides in San Francisco, the feel-good city in the feel-goo state. This court is legally, philosophically and intellectually corrupt. The USA will suffer dire consequences if this wretched institution is left unchecked. Stop them before they kill more (to adopt the phraseology of a long-ago serial killer.
At the same time, the Democrat ruled legislature is debating laws that would make California a "sanctuary state" protecting illegal aliens, INCLUDING CRIMINALS from the Federal Immigration Service
Also on the "docket" is an initiative that would have California secede from the union. Have these ninnies forgotten the American Civil War? 600,000 men and women died in battle to end slavery and to crush rebels who believed they could secede from the Union by the stroke of a pen.
Which brings me to the recent decision of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Trump's immigration order. The court held the presidential order regarding potential immigrants from 7 terror-ridden middle-eastern states was illegal, affirming a lower court decision imposing a temporary restraining order preventing the US government from limiting and/or preventing travelers from these areas from entering the country. THE COURT'S ACTION IS RECKLESS AND IRRESPONSIBLE. There is no doubt that the order is both legal and constitutional, and the judges know that, but they are part of the California progressive polity that is intent on destroying every vestige of democracy and justice in the U.S. Historically, 80% of the 9th Circuit's rulings have been overturned when appealed to the US Supreme Court. But, so what? This court resides in San Francisco, the feel-good city in the feel-goo state. This court is legally, philosophically and intellectually corrupt. The USA will suffer dire consequences if this wretched institution is left unchecked. Stop them before they kill more (to adopt the phraseology of a long-ago serial killer.