For many decades Liberals have controlled the national dialogue -- and there it is already. Clever left-wingers co-opted the word "Liberal" to describe their politics. Of course, they're not liberal--they stole the name from liberal economic theory, which is based on capitalism, especially democratic capitalism. But now, when we think of Democrats, we often think simultaneously that they are liberal democrats--or just plain liberals. When that seems to be a problem, Democrats may call themselves "progressives," another name stolen from Republicans because the source of it is Theodore Roosevelt, who called himself a progressive. But whatever Dems claim as their description, Republicans are left with the feeble term, "Conservative." Whatever philosophy goes with conservative, it sure doesn't sound forward-looking. This is ironic in the case of President Obama, who is neither liberal nor progressive. He is a reactionary. His ideas and programs are retreads from the 1960s. Obama's philosophy comes from the Bill Ayers--Bernadine Dohrn school of radicalism, totally failed in its own era, but resurrected by a president who hasn't had an original thought in his life.
Another example of the verbal acuity of the left, is the term "gay." Folks who were previously referred to as homosexuals, not a particularly pleasant designation, were suddenly and mysteriously transformed into gays. Now that is a light and cheerful designation, and I have to believe it was instrumental in changing the nation's views of human sexuality. Mark up another one for the left.
But let's go back to Obama and the nation's current status. Many commentators, left, right and middle, casually refer to Washington "gridlock." This is supposed to be a terrible situation, primarily caused by the Republican Congress. That description has worked spectacularly well. I have heard supposedly conservative talk show hosts say, "They asked us for the House and we gave them the House. They said they couldn't do anything without the Senate, so we gave them the Senate. What have they done with the House and Senate? Nothing. Now they want the presidency. Why should we believe that will work?" Remember, these are alleged conservatives talking. The fact is that the House and Senate have done all they could--except for the fact that the despicable Harry Reid has used the filibuster rule to save Obama from having to exercise his veto power. And the president has been no help at all--determined to do nothing except diminish and damage the nation. Harry Reid and the president have been the obstructionists--not the Republicans. BUT, I blame the Senate Majority Leader McConnell for protecting "traditional" Senate rules like the filibuster at the cost of possibly irreparable damage to the nation. Even worse, he has made it possible for Democrats to call out the Republicans as being responsible for gridlock. Now we are faced with possibility of that ignorant buffoon, Donald Trump being the Republican candidate for president. This wretched human being has made certain that, once again, the Democrats control the conversation. If he is the candidate, Hillary will be president. If someone else is the candidate, the party has been so damaged that Hillary will win anyway.
We face the ultimate victory of the left, ensuring the descent of the nation into economic, political and international disarray. And how was it done? With a few words, some simple and silly ideas, and a disaffected party that has lost its way.
Another example of the verbal acuity of the left, is the term "gay." Folks who were previously referred to as homosexuals, not a particularly pleasant designation, were suddenly and mysteriously transformed into gays. Now that is a light and cheerful designation, and I have to believe it was instrumental in changing the nation's views of human sexuality. Mark up another one for the left.
But let's go back to Obama and the nation's current status. Many commentators, left, right and middle, casually refer to Washington "gridlock." This is supposed to be a terrible situation, primarily caused by the Republican Congress. That description has worked spectacularly well. I have heard supposedly conservative talk show hosts say, "They asked us for the House and we gave them the House. They said they couldn't do anything without the Senate, so we gave them the Senate. What have they done with the House and Senate? Nothing. Now they want the presidency. Why should we believe that will work?" Remember, these are alleged conservatives talking. The fact is that the House and Senate have done all they could--except for the fact that the despicable Harry Reid has used the filibuster rule to save Obama from having to exercise his veto power. And the president has been no help at all--determined to do nothing except diminish and damage the nation. Harry Reid and the president have been the obstructionists--not the Republicans. BUT, I blame the Senate Majority Leader McConnell for protecting "traditional" Senate rules like the filibuster at the cost of possibly irreparable damage to the nation. Even worse, he has made it possible for Democrats to call out the Republicans as being responsible for gridlock. Now we are faced with possibility of that ignorant buffoon, Donald Trump being the Republican candidate for president. This wretched human being has made certain that, once again, the Democrats control the conversation. If he is the candidate, Hillary will be president. If someone else is the candidate, the party has been so damaged that Hillary will win anyway.
We face the ultimate victory of the left, ensuring the descent of the nation into economic, political and international disarray. And how was it done? With a few words, some simple and silly ideas, and a disaffected party that has lost its way.