Donald Trump is a whiner, a schoolyard bully and a dope. He is presently wimping around because he didn't win any delegates in Colorado. Ted Cruz out-witted and out-maneuvered him. But Donald screams about the Republican National Committee having rigged the election of delegates. But they didn't. It's just the Donald being the Donald -- a spoiled brat. I've posted before my fears that Trump in his stumblebum ways will fumble us into World War III. Furthermore, pundits say we have to support him because if Hilary wins she will appoint 1, 2 even 3 Supreme Court Justices. Why should we think the Donald would appoint conservatives? He's been a lefty liberal all his life, and he's only running as a Republican because the Democrats don't have room for him. He is such a jackass, no one could possibly predict who he would appoint--maybe his hairdresser. The risk of having this ignoramus as president outweighs the risk of Hillary doing leftish stuff. The important thing for Republicans is to control the Senate, so they can block the appointments of anyone proposed by either of these disgusting people.
May 2018
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